Stefan Sretić

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The paper analyzes five program pieces, namely Pierrot, Arlequin, Eusebius, Florestan and Pantolon et Columbine, an assortment of short pieces from the piano cycle Carnaval, Op. 9, by Robert Schumann. They illustrate the characters from Italian commedia dell’arte. The paper can be valuable for pianists and music pedagogues since the essence of this analysis lies in discussing the ways of interpreting the above-mentioned compositions. The introductory section comprises a research framework, research methods and objectives as well as a short review of the consulted referential literature. The main body of the paper is set for analysis of the compositions through presenting, firstly, the program content and then its relatedness to the compositional-technical and interpretational solutions of each movement. For the sake of a more complete viewing of the expressive means and their role in evoking up concrete content, the author has offered his own solutions accompanied with sheet music examples and explanations. The concluding remarks represent research contributions just as they offer possible perspectives for further considerations of pianistic poetics in the service of interpreting compositions of program characters.


Pianism, Program music, Robert Schumann, Carnaval

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895