Bojana Sićović

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The subject of the research paper is one of the visual creation means in Belgrade Surrealism – a photograph. The paper relates to the study of methods used in the above mentioned photographic acts, as well as in the main functions which such a photograph should arise with an observer. By examining the significant determinants and relations, both in the surrealist photography itself and in the theory of photography in general, the given medium is set in medial position or interposition of the significant relations: realsurreal, artistic – documentary, authentic – multiplied, automated – simulated, etc. Additional significance and complexity of the subject of this paper reflects in its specific task, i.e. in the function of moving the subconscious as the other scene in psychoanalysis, hidden due to the effects of traditional frameworks. Thus, the aim of this research is to examine all the significant specific features and characteristics that surrealist photography possesses and which determine it as such. The research methods used in the study are based on manifold analysis: functional, structural, and comparative.


photograph, subconscious, surreal, Belgrade Surrealism, Serbian avant-garde

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895