Nebojša Milićević, Milica Đorđević

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Bartlett's serial reproduction experiments (Bartlett 1932), in addition to cognitive and social psychology, find their application in research into changes in culture and art. The application of similar techniques such as Cadavre exquis (Exquisite corpse) in modern art is discussed. Starting from Martindale's idea that serial reproduction experiments can be used to examine and simulate real stylistic changes, it was hypothesized that they could also be applied in examining the genesis of a work of art. Experimental research was conducted in two phases. In the first one, students of the Faculty of Arts (N=30) reproduced three geometric stimuli using the method of group serial reproduction with the instruction to increase originality in ten stages. Thus, 30 stimuli were obtained for further research. In the second part, psychology students (N=270) gave aesthetic evaluations of reproductions on the scales of semantic differential. The results of the liking (ND) and artistic evaluation (UV) scales were discussed in the paper. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results shows that the transformations went in the direction of rationalization and emphasis, but not in the work of simplification. The growth trend of ND and UV was recorded as a function of reproduction phases. Thus, the initial hypotheses of the research were confirmed. Later reproductions in the series scored higher on these scales. Psychology students show consistency in their judgments of liking and artistic value, which may indicate their appropriate aesthetic taste. In subsequent research, it should be checked whether aesthetic patterns and preferences differ between subjects with artistic education and those without such education. It is also necessary to include experiments of individual serial reproduction with the instruction of increasing originality in order to more faithfully simulate the process of creating a work of art.


method of serial reproduction, cadavre esquis, picture genesis, aesthetic evaluation

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Online ISSN: 2466-2895