Ana Stojanović, Dejan Vasović, Marina Stojanović

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This paper presents the terminological definitions of indexing methods and the possibilities of their use in different scientific areas. Additionally, the paper identifies the most relevant indexing methods for water quality assessment with an overview of how they are applied in Serbia. Serbia has adopted a National List of Environmental Protection Indicators in order to establish, operate, develop, coordinate, and maintain a unified information system for environmental protection. National indicators of a country are used throughout that country and have a general and mandatory character. The paper highlights the importance of indicators and helps to better understand the importance and the purpose of using indexing methods in the assessment of environmental quality and safety parameters and in the field of water protection. The aim of the paper is to analyze the most relevant indicators and indices used in water management in Serbia. The paper specifically focuses on the importance of using the water pollution index and its correlation with other water protection indices.


SWQI, saprobic index, drinking water quality index, water pollution index

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)