Milan Djordje Blagojević, Dejan Ristić

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Abstract. The process of quality management environment which is based on information obtained from the system for monitoring environmental parameters in recent years has significantly eased, mainly because of the opportunities offered by the networking devices of various types and purposes. Also, the integration of systems for monitoring various environmental parameters with the information systems used in other areas of life, contributes to improving not only the quality of the environment, but also the health and safety of social justice which has as a result to a higher level of overall quality of life and further the model sustainable development.

On the other hand, rapid technological development has resulted that in the first decade of this century it began to be called the century of the risk so that the conception react - correct, where the 80-ies of the last century was based problem solving environmental problems, now replaced by the concept of predict - prevent. However, this concept requires a constant increase in the number of environmental parameters that need to be monitored, which has as a result an increasing number of criteria which must be taken into account during evaluation of the quality of the environment. The quality of a decision on the basis of information obtained by the system for monitoring the environment is caused by the mutual relationship between the amount of information and number of monitored environmental parameters. In the monitoring system, particularly in practice, there is the fact that usually the amount of available information that we get from the system is inversely proportional to the number of monitored parameters, which results that the decision often must be made ​​under conditions of uncertainty.

The phenomena that are monitored in the environment are mostly slow changing in time, economic indicators affect on decisions, and the fact the extent to which the heightened awareness of the need to solve the problems that exist in the territory which oversees the system. Therefore, decision-making problem in most cases ultimately comes down to taking responsibility of decision maker that decides to allow investments in technology that brings a profit, but on the other hand to a certain extent threatens the environment.

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)