Mesut Arslan

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This research study examines the human relationship with the staircase, the vertical circulation tool, in terms of user satisfaction. In the literature, the lack of papers dealing with user satisfaction in detail within the scope of dimensional competence necessitates this study. The satisfaction values of the stair users and the variables affecting these values, and at the same time, the realisation of the satisfaction analysis of the existing national stairway standards constitute the main objective of the study. For this purpose, 400 user satisfaction surveys were conducted in two different application areas and analysed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. According to the findings of the research, the stairs chosen in the application areas are designed in accordance with national stairway standards. Users expressed their dissatisfaction with normal-to-weak-weighted negative feedback on the variables of visual admiration, dimensional competence, safety and fatigue. Finally, the existence of the relationship between the variables affecting the user satisfaction is examined; recommendations based on user satisfaction for staircases design are offered.


Vertical Circulation, Stairs, User Satisfaction, Pedestrian Motion, National Stairway Standards

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559