Mila Mojsilovic, Vladimir Milenkovic

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Drawing on the idea that abstraction of architectural design is repeatedly demonstrated by new concepts, and that the idea of the design contains a fragment of its internal laws, the paper raises the question of alteration of forms towards new time- space categories. In contrast to Euclidean geometry based on the continuity of geometric forms, fragmented forms draw upon deformations and variability, operating in the limit zones, for the design, zones of the greatest creativity and potentiality. A new understanding of reality shaped by digitization of all systems has created the basis for forms of self-organization, openness, contingency, and emergence. What we have before us is basically a new aesthetics that goes beyond the horizon of visible in a way that allows the whole world and all its parts to be seen in a completely new, immaterial way. This means that architectural forms appear in the visibility zones, together with the forms of their systemic dislocation.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559