Marina S. Janjić, Aleksandar M. Novaković

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The subject of this paper is the implementation of theoretical knowledge in the processes of teaching practice realization, while the focus of the research is on identifying the causes of students’ most common mistakes during the realization of the course Professional (methodological) practice of Serbian language teaching at philological faculties. By analyzing the records and material (student portfolios for the realization of the teaching practice) from the exam classes provided by students of the Serbian language and literature from the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš during four academic years (from 2015/16 to 2018/19), we found and analyzed characteristic beginner mistakes, and classified them into six categories: methodological mistakes in class realization, a lack of compliance with teaching principles, a lack of required class structure, unskilled application of teaching forms and methods, unskilled application of teaching aids (and technical aids) and mistakes in behavior and communication. The results obtained point to the complexity of teaching theory (developmental and pedagogical psychology and didactics), which needs to be linked to academic disciplines (linguistics, science of literature and the literary art itself) during the methodological formation of Serbian language and literature classes.


teaching theory, methodological practice, successful class, Serbian language, most common mistakes, reflexive practice

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