The Facta Universitatis, Series: Medicine and Biology (FU Med Biol) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš (Republic of Serbia). We publish high quality, refereed papers minimally two times a year. It publishes original scientific papers relating to medicine, biology and pharmacy (editorials, original experimental or clinical works, review articles, case reports, technical innovations, letters to the editor, book reviews, reports and presentations from (inter)national congresses and symposiums which have not been previously submitted for publication elsewhere). Paper submitted for publication may be written exclusively in English.
Editor-in-Chief: Ivana Stojanović
In order to create/register an account for submitting a paper, first time authors are to contact the Computer Support at stating your first name, last name, affiliation with the link, and your email. We will then send you back an email with your login parameters. Once you receive your parameters from us you will then be able to log in and begin article submission.

Aims and Scope: The principal aim of the journal is to bring together the latest research and development in various fields of medicine, biology and pharmacy.
Rapid publication: Online submission system, electronic peer review and production make the process of publishing your article very simple and efficient. All submitted articles will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, and when appropriate, by a statistical reviewer. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within 4–5 weeks of submission.
Indexing: The journal FU Med Biol is indexed with M52.
General Journal guidelines for authors:
All manuscripts are assumed to be submitted exclusively unless otherwise stated, and must not have been published previously except in the form of an abstract or as parts of a published lecture and/or academic thesis. Original papers may not exceed 10 printed pages, including tables and/or figures. Reviews may not exceed 16 printed pages, including tables and/or figures. Case reports/technical innovations/book reviews/presentations from congresses may not exceed four printed pages, including tables and/or figures.
Each author that participated sufficiently in the work has public responsibility for the content. This participation must include: a) Conception of design, or analysis and interpretation of data, or both, and b) Drafting the article of revising it for critically important intellectual content.
Text should be divided into the following sections and appear in the order: 1) Title page, 2) Abstract and Key words, 3) Main body (Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion), 4) Acknowledgements, 5) References, 6) Tables; and 7) Figure legends.
The ONLINE FIRST section of FU Med Biol lists the papers accepted for publication and copy edited but not yet assigned to an issue.
Vol. 26, No 1, 2024
Table of Contents
Christianah Adebimpe Dare, Bolaji Bosede Oluremi, Toluwanimi Emmanuel Akinleye, Johnson Adekunle Adeniji, Moses Olubusuyi Adewumi, Oluokun Oluboade Oyedapo
Valentina N. Nikolić, Dragana Stokanović, Slobodan M. Janković, Sandra S. Konstatinović, Jelena B. Zvezdanović, Jelena Lilić, Nikola Stefanović, Svetlana R. Apostolović, Jasmina R. Milovanović
Miroljub Ž. Ivanović
Nebojša S. Ignjatović, Natalija Vuković, Vesna Stokanović, Miodrag Djordjević, Goran Stevanović, Milica Nestorović, Marko Stojanović, Zoran Damnjanović, Jelena Živadinović
Ivona Đorđević, Ana Kostić, Nikola Vacić, Dragoljub Živanović, Maša Milčić, Strahinja Konstantinović