Saša Marković, Igor Vučković, Željko Sekulić, Aleksandar Gadžić

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The aim of the present study was to define a model of the physical performance of fourteen-year-old quality basketball and handball players. Forty-four boys took part in this study: 20 basketball players (average age 14.4 ±.31) and 24 handball players (average age 14.5 ±.41). In order to assess the morphological status of athletes we applied four, and for motor status assessment, 10 variables. Yo-Yo test was used to estimate athletes’ functional status. By arithmetic means, we presented a model of the desirable physical performances of basketball and handball players. The t-test for independent samples was used to determine the significance of differences between the two groups of athletes. Basketball players had better results in all 15 tests, although the difference is statistically significant in 11 tests. The difference in quality was explained by a fact that basketball is three times popular among children compare to handball, and lack of sports halls in Bosnia and Herzegovina with proper size for a handball court.

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