Željka Bojanić, Dušana Šakan, Jasmina Nedeljković

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The aim of this study was to explore the role of personality traits as predictors of perfectionism and to determine the existence of gender differences in the ways perfectionism is manifested. The study was conducted on 302 respondents aged 18 to 57. The Perfectionism Inventory scale (PI) used to measure perfectionism assesses lower-order perfectionism facets: Concern Over Mistakes, High Standards for Others, Need for Approval, Organization, Perceived Parental Pressure, Planfulness, Rumination, and Striving for Excellence; and three higher-order facets: Conscientious Perfectionism, Self-Evaluative Perfectionism and Perfectionism Inventory Composite. The Big Five Inventory (BFI), based on the Big Five model of personality, was used for the evaluation of personality traits: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness to experience. In determining gender differences, the t-test was used. Men scored higher than women on Organization, Planfulness, and Conscientious Perfectionism, whereas women scored higher than men on Perceived Parental Pressure. Three multiple regression analyses were conducted, one for each of the tested criterion variables, to test the significance of predictors of perfectionism. Predictor variables were the five dimensions of personality traits, and the criterion variables were the dimensions of higher-order perfectionism. All three tested models have statistical significance, and the sum of the predictors, made up of basic personality traits, accounts for one-fifth to one-third of the variance in the criterion measures of perfectionism. Almost all personality traits are shown to be significant predictors of perfectionism, with the exception of Conscientiousness, which is not a predictor of Self-Evaluative Perfectionism. Based on the results, it can be concluded that perfectionists generally keep to themselves, are less tolerant towards others, often worry, are sensitive to their own actions as well as those of others, but also open to new experiences. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the social adaptation and functioning of young adults, including young athletes.


mechanical characteristics, vertical jump, kinematic, accelerometer

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