Dobrica Živković, Slađan Karaleić, Ivana Anđelković, Nikola Aksović

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Daily physical activity is necessary for good quality of life among the elderly. It usually happens that with the advent of years, the extent of exercise decreases among the elderly, which could have negative effects on their health. It is very important to point out that if the health results allow it, it is never too late to begin with programmed training and physical exercise. If it is carried out under supervision, the possibility of injury is significantly reduced. The subject matter of this research are studies published from 2000 to 2016, which focused on the effects of physical activity on the balance of individuals over the age of 60. The aim of this review is the compilation of the appropriate literature on physical activity, as well as the clarification on whether there are effects of the physical activity on the balance of the elderly. This overview included 24 research papers. The results of this study confirm the positive effect of physical activity on the balance of the elderly. It has been proven that several weeks of a standardized exercise program, based on the increase in joint mobility, cardio-vascular exercise, strengthening the stability of the pelvic region, and proprioceptive exercise can improve balance skills and reduce the perception of pain. For elderly individuals with specific risk factors for falls, the recommendation is specific aquatic exercise programs which will improve balance and strengthen the lower extremities.


Physical activity, effects, balance, aquatic program, the elderly, balance tests

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