Mariana Tišma, Radovan Čokorilo

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This research thus deals with the empirical overview of the psychological sources of stress in sport. The aim of the research is to determine which of the listed sources is stress-inducing, as well as how often athletes perceive them as stress-inducing. The secondary aim is to determine the existence of correlation between the identified sources of stress and the stress levels of the subjects.

The subject sample comprises of 361 athletes (202 football players and 159 swimmers) from the territory of Vojvodina, of different age (AS 17,59; SD 5), of both genders, with different competitive levels. The sample of clubs was chosen intentionally, while the athletes within the clubs were chosen randomly. The variable sample comprises of 27 items for the identification of the psychological levels of stress in sport, as well as the level of stress represented as a scalar score.

Majority of the listed stressors are perceived as more or less frequent by the subjects. The stress levels on the basis of the complete sample were determined as moderate. By applying a correlation analysis, it was proven that there is a high significant relationship (sig. =,000; sig=,005) between the stress levels and the majority of variables which represent the psychological stress sources.

Through research, it has been confirmed that sport has the potential of being extremely stressful. There are many situations that can become stress-inducing: the audience’s reaction, quarantine, off season time, signing of a transfer, difficult trainings, monotonous and boring trainings, training conditions, the influence of media, not being selected by the coach to play, bad communication with the coach, lack of support from close ones, inability to coordinate trainings with school. Whether they become stress-inducing or not depends on the subject’s subjective evaluation of the situation, as well as the evaluation of the sufficiency of one’s own potentials to overcome the demands of those situations. The importance of individualization when working with athletes is once more emphasized through research, but it also suggests the situations to which one should pay special attention while working with them.

Keywords: sources of stress, sport, the level of stress

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