Daniel Stanković, Jelena Šućur, Aleksandar Raković

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The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of strength on the results of the vortex throw. The research was carried out on a sample of 50 children aged 7 to 10, using the following measuring instruments for the evaluation of strength: the standing long jump, throwing a medicine ball from a supine position, torso lifts for 30 s knees bent, the plank and hanging leg raises. The research also included one measuring instrument for the evaluation of the distance in the vortex throw (the criterion variable). Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that strength has a statistically significant influence on the results of the vortex throw among children aged 7 to 10 with a shared variability of approximately 43%. The greatest part of this significance can be ascribed to the tests of the medicine ball throw from a supine position which is responsible for the evaluation of the strength of the arms and shoulder belt. There were also significant correlations of the variables the standing long jump and torso lifts for 30 s knees bent with the result in vortex throw, but they did not significantly affect the results for this age group.


Athletics, Strength, Vortex Throw

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