Jovan Veselinović, Aleksandra Perović, Stanimir Đukić, Gordana Mrdak, Marija Nikolić

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The paper deals with the practical application of management and commercialization in sports. It also examines the forms of endangering internal security, prevention of violence and misbehavior at sporting events and the security of the state and society. Management as a dynamic discipline represents leadership in each organization. It implies optimal use of resources, organizing the processes and activities of subordinates, delegating tasks and responsibilities, coordination of all resources through planning, organization, management and control. Management in sport, or in a sport organization is in the function of transferring ideas to the ultimate goal. In this regard, it can be said that application of management in sport is a successful pursuit of the idea to the realization of the goal. Management of each organization, including management in sports, gives special attention to security as the basic condition of survival and prosperity. Different organizations have different security challenges, risks and threats, so the risks that the state as an organization exhibits differ greatly from the challenges that business entitles are exposed to, including sports and sports organizations. Challenges, risks and threats that an organization is exposed to, especially in sport, as well as the responsibilities of an organization towards the environment in terms of safety, have a decisive influence on management in sport, that is, to the manner in which the decisions regarding security and protection of persons, property and business will be made.


Management in Sport, Security, Misconduct at Sports Events

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