Zoran Milić, Aleksandar Miletić, Aleksandar Tomić, Danilo Jovičić, Darijan Ujsasi

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The aim of the study is to determine the influence of developmental gymnastics intervention on muscle asymmetries along the spinal column in the sagittal plane in preschool children from Subotica. The sample consisted of 133 preschool children and was divided into three subsamples, the experimental group E1-45 (25.57%), the experimental group with additional exercise E2-45 (25.57%), and the control group K-86 (48.86%). A 10-week experimental exercise treatment was applied to two groups of participants, one of which had one additional exercise at home with their parents. Contemplas 3D Compact analysis was applied to assess muscle asymmetries (Professionalmotion analysis software) taking into account the variables related to the sagittal plane. By analyzing the results of the multivariate analysis of covariance it could be concluded that there are statistically significant differences (p = 0,03) between samples of different groups for the assessment of the parameters of the spinal column in the sagittal plane on the value of Pillai’s Trace  PT= 2,52 at the final measurement compared to the initial one. It can be pointed out that there are positive and visible effects of treatment on children from the experimental group, and that the program of corrective gymnastics has an impact on reducing muscle asymmetries in the sagittal plane, while the greatest effects are visible in the lumbar spine.


Corrective Gymnastics, Contemplas, Muscle Asymmetries

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES210390010M


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