Ashrf Nouri M. Abohllala, Nataša Branković, Darko Stojanović, Tijana Stojanović, Andreja Miljković, Dejan Martinović, Nenad Stojiljković, Sreten Marković, Ana Lilić

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This study determined the effects of ten-week Pilates ball training on muscular fitness in female adolescents. The sample of 48 participants was randomly divided into the experimental (n = 24) and control group (n = 24). The experimental group (age: 15.28 ± 0.48; body height: 164.47 ± 4.59 cm; body weight: 58.72 ± 6.68 kg) performed the Pilates ball program in physical education classes twice a week for ten weeks, while the control group (age: 15.26 ± 0.29, body height: 164.35 ± 4.75 cm; body weight: 58.86 ± 5.99 kg) performed the standard physical education program. Muscular fitness was assessed by flexors, extensors and lateral torso muscles endurance tests, the front plank test, and the single-leg squat test. The results showed that both groups of participants statistically significantly improved muscular fitness between the two measurements (p < 0.01), but numerically greater effects were achieved in the experimental group. The most remarkable effects between the two measurements of the experimental group were registered in the torso flexor and extensor endurance. In the control group, the most significant effects were found in bilateral torso endurance. In addition, significantly greater effects (p <0.01) at the final measurement were determined in the experimental group for the endurance of torso flexors (p <.01) and extensors (p <.05) and in the single-leg squat test when performed with the right leg (p <.01). In bilateral torso endurance assessment tests, more significant effects were registered only at a numerical level in the experimental group. Тhe authors concluded that exercising on an unstable compared to a stable surface is a more efficient training stimulus in transforming torso flexor and extensor muscles and dynamic control of hips and legs.


students, training on unstable surfaces, physical education, torso stabilizers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES210819021A


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