Tatjana Vulić

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The goal of this research paper is to examine the frequency of use of social media by high school students in Serbia, as well as whether they use the social media to keep themselves informed and adopt informal knowledge, that is, to educate themselves. With regards to this topic, several research goals were set. The respondents were 155 students from “Prva kragujevačka gimnazija” (transl.: The First High School of Kragujevac) and “Prva tehnička škola” (transl.: The First Technical School) in Kragujevac, from 1st to 4th grade. The sample included 86 boys (55.5%) and 69 girls (44.5%). The questionnaire with 13 items was created specifically for this survey and it included the answer choices for the specific phenomena we investigated. Descriptive statistics was used during this research. Research findings suggest that high school students in Serbia spend more and more time on social media, primarily on Facebook (133 out of 155 respondents) which they also see as a source of information. Moreover, 49% of the respondents claimed that they trust this type of information and find it significant in peer-to-peer communication. Although more than a half of the respondents do not adopt role models and idols through social media, 45% of them still said that they have this tendency. Furthermore, this research has also shown that the largest number of respondents express their personal views on social media, two to three times a week.



social media, digital age, high school students, information

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)