Bojana Novićević Čečević, Ljilja Antić, Milica Đorđević

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The method of measuring business performance has long been a focus of attention for the scientific and professional community. In addition to traditional methods, modern approaches are increasingly being used today. The authors of the paper explore the measurement of company performance in the Republic of Serbia using composite indices as part of multivariate analysis. Composite indices were created based on original financial data, as well as a calculated performance index, with the aim of providing a comprehensive overview of the financial efficiency of companies. The research includes companies listed among the top 100 most successful in Serbia for 2022. The analysis involves the use of statistical methods such as correlation and factor analysis to identify key performance indicators. Based on the obtained indices, companies were ranked, providing insight into their financial positions and market competitiveness. The results show that composite indices are an effective tool for measuring and analyzing business performance, offering management the information needed for strategic decision-making.


index of basic financial positions, liquidity, return on assets, composite indices, company performance assessment, financial statements

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