Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature (FU Ling Lit) publishes original research and review articles in the field of linguistics and literature. Authors are encouraged to submit papers which advance theoretical and methodological views and which contain convincing arguments regarding a variety of linguistic and literary research subjects.

The Journal welcomes contributions within the domains of historical linguistics, theoretical linguistics, descriptive linguistics, translation, traditional and contemporary literature and culture from either comparative, contrastive or interdisciplinary perspective.

FU Ling Lit welcomes contributions from linguists in all countries, which could support the journal development on international level in the scientific community. The Journal aims at bringing together expert and scholarly endeavour within the same framework and making research more accessible to a wider academic audience. 

The journal is indexed in DOAJ, ERIH PLUS and Sherpa Romeo databases.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Original Scientific Paper

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Review Article

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Book Reviews

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

This journal uses a double-blind review process, as it facilitates an impartial appraisal of a manuscript. Each manuscript submitted for publication in FU Ling Lit will be initially assessed by the Editor, who decides whether the article fits the scope of the journal. Submissions considered suitable are assigned to at least two national and/or international referees, either members of the editorial board or external referees. Every review process is strictly controlled in accordance with the guidelines of the Journal. Manuscripts are assessed for clarity, validity, and methodology.

The review process takes place in the following steps:

  1. After submission, the manuscript is reviewed by the Editor first (1st Review, time period: 1-2 weeks).
  2. If the Editor considers the manuscript is suitable for review, reviewers are selected and assigned the manuscript (2nd Review, time period: 4-8 weeks).
Based on the referee reports the editor will make a recommendation for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. If revisions are required, then the author(s) will be requested to respond to the objections and changes suggested by the referees. When the manuscript is resubmitted after the first round of referee reports, the Editor may take two lines of action. The Editor may find the revisions persuasive and therefore approve publication or demand further refereeing. Once the final manuscript meets the expected standards and obtains endorsement by the Editor, the accepted papers will be published.

For each accepted paper, if need be, the author(s) may be required to revise the text and perform minor alterations, especially in the copyediting phase.

The revised version and copyrights should be submitted to the Editor within 2 weeks.


Publication Frequency

This journal is published twice a year. The first issue is published in June, the second issue in December, approximately.


Open Access Policy

FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Linguistics and Literature is an Open Access Journal in accordance with the Berlin Declaration. All articles can be downloaded free of charge for personal, educational and scientific purposes (Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND).

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Publication fee

No page charges for publications in this journal.

Free Electronic Version (PDF): The authors may download the papers from the journal website, or will be provided with the PDF version of the article via e-mail.



Ethical Statement

The journal wishes to remind the authors and reviewers that ethical concerns may be raised on research and publishing misconduct regarding protocols used for experiments, a potential conflict of interest not disclosed in the paper, text which has been copied without permission or appropriate reference to the works of others or the author’s own (plagiarism/self-plagiarism) and duplicate publication.