Within the education system of the Republic of Serbia, music education is viewed as an important segment in the educational and developmental pathway that contributes to the cultural development of pupils and the formation and enhancement of their musical preferences. In recent years, teaching practices in music education have shown tendencies toward modernization and improvement of the educational process. For the purposes of this research, a questionnaire was designed and an exploration was conducted involving 126 elementary school teachers (N=126) from the Republic of Serbia. The research was empirical, utilizing non-experimental, and descriptive methods and survey technique. In this paper, the author analyses the experiences and attitudes of elementary school teachers regarding the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT), digital resources and their positive influence on the teaching of music education. In the context of using specific software and applications, a high proportion of respondents appear to lack competencies necessary for a more concrete and consistent application when covering specific areas in the music education syllabus. Among the total number of respondents from the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the majority of 81,7% support the implementation of innovations that involve active use of ICT resources in everyday teaching. However, greater discrepancies are noticeable when it comes to the specific software and tools and their application in covering areas of the music education syllabus. Experience shows that it is necessary to initiate and accelerate efforts to improve the digital competencies of elementary school teachers to enable pupils to reach their full potential.Key words: Music Education classes, elementary school teacher, pupils, information-communication technology (ICT)
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