Aleksandra Milanović, Biljana Novković Cveković

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The usage of ICT in the teaching process was a recommendation and an opportunity to innovate and actualize it until only a few months ago. The inevitable change caused by the unexpected circumstances triggered by Covid-19 brought all teachers into a situation where there was no room for consideration and no option to avoid the use of modern technology for learning and teaching purposes. Taking into account current situation that indicates the need for integration ICT into the teaching process, the aim of this paper was to analyze the relevant research, to point out the inevitability of providing additional support to teachers for the use of ICT in teaching. Accordingly, the research objectives was: pedagogical significance and contribution of ICT integration in the teaching process, the importance of the role of teachers in the process of ICT integration in teaching, as well as potential obstacles and difficulties that teachers may face in using ICT in teaching process. The obtained results can contribute to a more comprehensive view of the problems that teachers could face in the implementation of ICT in teaching, which would allow the determination of directions that would affect changes in their opinion related to acceptance and promotion of learning in ICT environment, as well as advantages to innovate teaching process by using ICT in teaching.


modern technology, pedagogic significance, teacher, potential limitations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE2002147M


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