Marija Ranđelović

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The paper points out the importance of continuous and mapped out listening to music in the teaching of music at a younger primary school age. Also, the paper emphasizes the importance of the aesthetic experience of music, as a complete and irreplaceable part of the teaching practice of music education. Different contexts of adopting musical and aesthetic qualities, followed by aesthetic evaluation, contribute to the development of musical preferences, which results in the formation of musical taste. This fact is very important, especially if we keep in mind the crisis of taste in the sphere of aesthetic and artistic contents that we are surrounded by. In line with the above mentioned circumstances, the role of the teacher is especially important today, who, in addition to the careful implementation of the curriculum, should guide pupils towards the choice of quality music content outside the school framework.


music education, listening to music, aesthetic experience, younger primary school age

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895