Marta Mitrović, Tatjana Vulić

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The Nisville Jazz Festival is one of the most important music festivals in the region. This music event has been held for 25 years and represents a cultural and artistic event, attracting more and more tourists both from Serbia and foreign countries. Proportional to its artistic importance, media coverage of the festival is also expected, mainly that of the serious media including the public broadcaster. In this paper the authors examined how the 2019 Nisville Jazz Festival was presented in the media. Analyzing the three printed media and three television programs of the national public broadcaster (RTS 1), the authors argued that not only was the festival marginalized in the analyzed media, but the very reporting was done through simple genre forms, totally disregarding the involvement and creativity that an event like this requires.


jazz, media, marginalization, Nisville, print, television

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895