Ema Živković Nikolić, Ljiljana Marković

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This study explores the teaching practicum (TP) at the Niš English Department during 2022/23 by examining the perspectives of both teaching mentors (TM) and pre-service teachers (PSTs). To understand their experiences, a set of two questionnaires partly based on Hudson’s model of mentoring for effective teaching (2004) was compiled: one for TMs, and the other for PSTs, one largely reflecting the other. The study employed a qualitative analysis to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the TP as perceived by the two groups. It investigated several key areas, including TMs’ role in providing support to PSTs, modeling teaching practices, and fostering relationships, PSTs’ preparedness for the TP as well as TMs’ insights into the benefits and challenges of mentoring. The results showed that TMs provided both cognitive and affective support, with PSTs valuing affective support more. PSTs generally described their relationship with TMs as supportive. Additionally, the results highlighted that while TMs were concerned with being a good model to PSTs, exhibiting enthusiasm and introducing a variety of activities, PSTs were unaware of those; they were mostly focused on their own confidence and personal performance. 


TEFL Methodology, teaching practicum, teaching mentors, pre-service teachers, effective mentoring, teaching practice

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FULL240429001Z


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